Scholarship Opportunities
We believe that an excellent Catholic Education can be affordable for any family, and are proud to partner with the state of Ohio, the Diocese and generous partners to provide as many scholarship opportunities as possible for our families to afford educational excellence at Saint Ambrose School. Scholarships are for students in grades K-8. We do not have any scholarships for preschool at this time.
- Contact Saint Ambrose Catholic School Admissions Office To Inquire regarding Admissions availability.
- Apply to Saint Ambrose School.
- Apply for Financial Aid and review timeline.
More information on Diocese Financial Aid and Scholarships can be found HERE. - Apply for any Scholarships you may qualify for below. (Links below)
Scholarships and financial aid awards will be applied directly to your tuition account once you are notified directly and accept them. Please contact Mrs. Maryellen Newrones in the school office with any tuition questions.
Saint Ambrose School Office Phone: 330-460-7301
Mrs. Maryellen Newrones : MNewrones@StASchool
Scholarship Information & Applications
2025-2026 Scholarship Applications will be posted as they become available.
The 2025-2026 EdChoice Application and Renewal forms will be included in tuition agreement forms for completion once they release from the state of Ohio in the month of February.
Contact our Institutional Advancement and Admissions Office with any questions! 330-460-7318.
Scholarships and Financial Assistance for Grades K-8
Diocese Tuition Assistance Program
Financial need based scholarships for grades K-8. Once the application is reviewed by the Diocese, FACTS will then send it to our parish finance council for review for any further financial aid consideration.
Diocesan Tuition Assistance information
Diocese Tuition Assistance Applications Through FACTS open January 31, 2025. Apply through FACTS.
EdChoice Expansion Scholarship
Saint Ambrose School is part of the EdChoice Expansion Scholarship program in Ohio.
As of July 3, 2023 there are changes to EdChoice Expansion. Governor Mike DeWine signed House Bill 33, the FY24-25 operating budget. It includes universal school choice. We will continue to provide updates here, and directly to our school families as they become available in real time.
As an EdChoice provider in Ohio, our families are eligible for this scholarship.
Saint Ambrose Enrolled families have received the link to apply.
Bill 33- July 2023
“Scholarship amounts will be income-based. Students whose family income is at or below 450% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL), or about $135,000 for a family of four, is eligible to receive the full scholarship amount, and a student whose family income is above 450% FPL is eligible for a scholarship decreased on a sliding scale.”
This is an Ohio income-based scholarship program for children in grades K-12. Families can receive a financial scholarship up to the entire tuition cost for Saint Ambrose School.
How to Apply to EdChoice Scholarship
Scholarships are awarded and families will be notified directly.
EdChoice Information
Saint Ambrose School is part of the EdChoice Expansion and Traditional (residency-based) Scholarship programs in Ohio. This is an Ohio income-based scholarship program for children in grades K-12 . Families can receive a financial scholarship up to the entire tuition cost for Saint Ambrose School.
These scholarships are renewable each year through 8th grade for Saint Ambrose School. Families are responsible for submitting renewal applications annually to keep their scholarships, and to avoid lapse of scholarship.
Saint Ambrose EdChoice Scholarship Contact:
Mrs. Maryellen Newrones- [email protected], 330-460-7301.
Saint Ambrose School Admissions Contact:
Mrs. Breanne Logue- [email protected], 330-460-7318
Bishop’s Scholarship for Excellence
Deadline: March 15, FACTS application required.
2023-2024 Application: Bishop’s Scholarship for Excellence Application
The Catholic Education Endowment Trust (CEET) was established in 1976 by the Cleveland Catholic Diocese to promote Catholic education, provide support for religious education programs, and to offer tuition-aid scholarships to families with financial need who desired a Catholic education for their children. As part of this initiative, CEET sponsors a scholarship program to encourage the pursuit of excellence in Catholic education. This program is the Bishop’s Scholarship for Excellence.
Now in its 17th year, this scholarship program awards: Eight (8) $3,000 scholarships to current 10th & 11th graders applicable to their 11th & 12th grade years. Sixteen (16) $1,000 scholarship to current 6th & 7th grade students applicable to their 7th & 8th grade years.
Application window is Feb/ March for the following school year.
Scholarships for students with Individualized Education Plans IEP. Please email [email protected] to inquire.
Please contact Mrs. Maryellen Newrones in the school office for an application for the Jon Peterson Scholarship and to learn more if this scholarship is an opportunity for your family.
Maryellen Newrones: [email protected]
More Information can be found HERE
M. Thomas Moore Family Scholarship Awards for Elementary Schools
Deadline: March 15, FACTS application required.
2023-2024 Application: M. Thomas Moore Family Scholarship
In 2008, M. Thomas and Beatrice L. Moore established an endowed scholarship fund at the Catholic Community Foundation as a generous act of philanthropy.
They wanted to provide four annual $500 scholarships to students in financial need attending Catholic elementary schools in the Diocese of Cleveland.
Any Catholic elementary school student who is currently in grade 1 through 7 who will be entering grades 2 through 8 are eligible to receive this one-time award.
Application period is spring for the following school year.
Unity Catholic James E. Flynn Scholarship
Deadline: Annually on December 31st
Visit Website to Apply: Unity Catholic Federal Credit Union Members – James E. Flynn Memorial Scholarship (K-8)
The costs for your child’s Catholic education only seems to add up as they grow. We are proud of your children’s achievements, and want to show them our support! Apply for the James E. Flynn Memorial Scholarship to help with the cost. We have $500 and $1,000 scholarships available for Unity Catholic members, kindergarten through 12th grade. More information on UCFCU website.
We’ll award:
Four Elementary Scholarships (for students entering Kindergarten through 8th grade) at $500 each for a total of $2000
Five High School Scholarships (for students entering 9th through 12th Grade) at $1000 each for a total of $5000
If your child is an active member of Unity Catholic Federal Credit Union who attends a Catholic school within the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland or Eparchy of Parma, they are eligible to apply! The deadline for applications is December 31.
The annual deadline is December 31.
Angel Scholars
hip Fund
Thank you…we raised over $54,000 in 2023 and helped 19 Saint Ambrose School Families for the 2024-2025 school year!
Thank you so much to our parish for your support of the Angel Scholarship Fund! Your tax credit donation will enable students to succeed at Saint Ambrose School!
Our Goal for 2024 is to raise $150,000!
You can donate until April 15th for the 2024 Tax Season.
This incredible scholarship will be distributed to families for the 2025-2026 school year.
Families interested should apply via our tuition agreement application process, which is open NOW through Digital Academy and Scholarships Application Form.
Click here to access the ANGEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND APPLICATION– The Deadline is March 15, 2025. Income information is required to complete the application.
Click the link below to learn more about this new opportunity to turn tax year giving into tuition funds!
What is Fund A Dream?
Fund A Dream presents a unique opportunity for families facing financial constraints. You play a vital role in the application process; this will serve as the gateway for families to be considered for a $2,500 FAD scholarship. This scholarship is purposefully designed to alleviate the financial burdens faced by K-12 students with demonstrated financial need, providing direct assistance towards their tuition.
Who can receive Fund A Dream Tuition Assistance?
FAD is open to students from grades K-12 who demonstrate financial need of at least $2,500 and fulfill the specified criteria for assistance. Priority will be given to renewal applicants and new applications will be awarded as funds are available.
How is each school involved?
All schools that are interested in receiving Fund A Dream scholarships are required to complete the School Recommendations – 2025/2026 Fund A Dream (FAD) Scholarships Application. One application will be submitted for all scholarship renewals and new applicants. The application will be open from 1/15/2025-3/15/2025. Both the application and attestation must be received by the Catholic Community Foundation by 3/15/2025 for the student to be considered.
DEADLINE: March 15, 2025- All Applications have been submitted for 2025-2026
Please click the link to complete the GOOGLE application form for the Parish Life Scholarship Form.
2025-2026 Parish Life Scholarship Form- Click Here
This Scholarship is for registered and active members of Saint Ambrose Catholic Parish.
First Round Deadline for consideration is March 15, 2025.
Please do not complete this scholarship application until you have received confirmation from Admissions that your 2025-2026 Admissions File is complete.
If you are a registered member of Saint Colette Parish, please contact their parish office for a letter signed for SAS Tuition Scholarship form.
Residents of the city of Cleveland are eligible for the Cleveland Scholarship through the Ohio Department of Education.
Saint Ambrose Catholic School is an in-network provider.
Please visit
The Autism Scholarship
Saint Ambrose School is an in-network provider for the Autism Scholarship.
More information can be found at:
Updated requirements related to Autism and Jon Peterson scholarship services provided by virtual means are effective October 24, 2024. Find more information about these requirements in House Bill 147 Services by Virtual Means Guidance.
HB554 made changes related to the category of Developmental Delay under the Autism Scholarship. A child may now be eligible for the Autism Scholarship under the disability category of Developmental Delay until the day before they turn 10 years old. If you have questions about the implementation of this change, please contact your Regional Consultant if you are an approved provider or email the Autism Scholarship Program at [email protected].
Scholarships for SAS Students (Grades 5th – 8th grade)
Alex Bihari Memorial Scholarship Fund
Available for students entering grades 6-8.
Application Window: Jan 13- April 15, 2025
2025 Application: CLICK HERE to view BIHARI SCHOLARSHIP application
The Bihari Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 2018 to help families continue their pursuit of Catholic education for their children in the Saint Ambrose School High School Prep Program.
Two non-renewable scholarship will be awarded:
Award recipients will be informed in May 2025. Students must be registered for the following school year at the time of application to be considered.
Frank & Rita Jane Stec Scholarship Fund
Available for current 6th graders entering 7th grade and 8th graders entering Padua Franciscan High School for the 2024-2025 school year.
Application Window: January 13 – April 15, 2025
2023-2024 Application: CLICK HERE TO APPLY to Frank and Rita Jane Stec Scholarship 2024
The Frank & Rita Jane Stec Scholarship Fund was created to help families continue their pursuit of Catholic education for their children.
Non-renewable scholarships will be awarded to:
- Two (2) $1000 to a Saint Ambrose 8th grader entering Padua Franciscan High School for their 9th grade year.
- Four (4) $500 Scholarships to a Saint Ambrose 6th grader who will enter into the 7th grade at Saint Ambrose.
Award recipients will be informed in May 2025.
Students must be registered for the school year at the time of application to be considered.
Frank Raso, JD Memorial Scholarship
Available for current 8th graders entering 9th grade at Padua Franciscan High School for the 2025-2026 school year.
One(1) $500 Scholarship available for an 8th grader attending Padua Franciscan High School in Fall 2025.
Award recipient will awarded in May 2025.
2025 Application: Scholarship is AVAILABLE for FALL 2025
CLICK HERE to view and complete FRANK RASO Scholarship
Application Window: January 13 – April 15, 2025
Applicant Criteria:
1) Applicant must be an eighth grader at Saint Ambrose Catholic School.
2) Applicant must have been accepted to Padua Franciscan High School with plans to start classes in the fall as a freshman.
3) Student must complete the essay portions of the application in his/her own words.
Building a Foundation: Trevor James Pacek Memorial Scholarship
For 7th Grade students to apply for their 8th Grade year at Saint Ambrose Catholic School.
One(1) $500 non-renewable scholarship for the 2024-2025 school year.
Deadline: April 15, 2025
2024 Application: Application Opens January 13- April 15, 2025
CLICK HERE to view Building a Foundation – Trevor James Pacek Memorial Scholarship Application
Saint Ambrose Athletic Boosters Christian Values Scholarship
April 15, 2025.
Application Window: Jan 13 – April 15, 2025
2025 ONLINE Application: Athletic Boosters Christian Values Scholarship
The St. Ambrose Athletic Boosters will be awarding two $1000 scholarships to one 8th grade male athlete and one 8th grade female athlete who will be attending a Catholic high school for the 2025-2026 school year.
Awardees will be notified by a board member of the St. Ambrose Athletic Boosters on May 8, 2025.
NJHS Scholarships
National Junior Honor Society Outstanding Achievement Award 2024 ( All current NJHS members can apply.)
To be eligible, a student must be:
- An active and current member in good standing of a National Junior Honor Society chapter, meeting all membership requirements and obligations of the local chapter.
- An NJHS student account holder, verified by the NJHS chapter adviser.
Note: There are no limits to the number of applicants per chapter.
Application Window: APPLICATION IS NOW OPEN!
- April 2025: Applicants receive notifications
Details Coming Soon!
Scholarships for SAS Alumni, Catholic High School Students, & High School Graduates
The Brunswick Rotary Foundation will be awarding four $1,500 scholarships to a 2024 High School Graduating Senior who resides in the City of Brunswick. The selection of recipients will be done by the Brunswick Rotary Foundation, influenced by the content, thought, and completion of replies. Please type or print using black ink.
Please return the completed application by: Friday, March 15, 2024.
DOWNLOAD: The Brunswick Rotary Foundation Scholarship Application (2024)
Eligibility Qualification
- Seniors residing in the City of Brunswick who intend to be full-time students in an accredited college or technical school.
- Complete and submit an Application to the Brunswick Rotary Foundation.
Applicants will be evaluated on the basis of:
- Community and School Involvement (40%)
- Financial Need (30%)
- Essays (10%)
- Faculty Recommendation (10%)
- Employer Recommendation (5%)
- Grades, Honors and Awards (5%)
Scholarship Available
- $1,500.00 non-renewable award
Selection Committee and Procedures
- Will consist of a five-member panel made up of Brunswick Rotarians.
- Applicants’ identity will be unknown to the committee to insure equal treatment.
- The committee will receive all applications to read and evaluate before meeting as a group for final decision.
Notifications of Recipients
- Our Scholarship Chairperson will notify each recipient’s school administration.
- Notification will be made by Friday, April 12, 2024.
Disbursement of the Scholarship
- The Scholarship Award will be dispersed upon receipt of a “Request for Payment” from the college or school, or upon receipt of a canceled check showing that payment was already made to the college or school.
Northern Ohio Italian American Foundation Scholarship
Available for current 8th grade students of Italian heritage that will be attending a Catholic High School.
Information Letter: Northern Ohio Italian American Foundation Scholarship Information Letter
2023-2024 Application: NOIA Application
The Northern Ohio Italian American (NOIA) Foundation offers a four-year high school scholarship to students from any of the 20 Catholic High Schools in Northeast Ohio. Student is awarded $5,000 annually. ($20,000 over 4 years)
This scholarship encourages educational achievement, cultural experiences, leadership and service – values important to NOIA and the Italian American community.
Student Requirements:
- Student must have and maintain a 3.0 GPA
- Student must demonstrate financial need
- Student must have minimum or at least 25% Italian descent
- Student must actively participate in at least one extra-curricular activity by sophomore year
- Student is heavily encouraged to take a leadership role in an activity
- Student must provide annual summary of school year experience
- Student must attend the annual NOIA Impact Dinner
More information and application on the NOIA Foundation website.
Martin T. Galvin Memorial Scholarship
Diocese Scholarship
Deadline: March 15, 2024
Past Scholarship: Martin T. Galvin Memorial Scholarship Application
2024-2025 Scholarship: Available in February 2024