Earlier this week, students in grades K-3 gathered for an assembly on bus safety. This was a great reminder for all students of rules on and off the bus and how to stay safe. Ask your child about what they learned and talk with your bus driver if you have any questions!

We also began our Superkids Hit 2nd Grade Unit with the beginning of the year online assessment. It was great to see the students using their computer skills to log on and navigate during the test. The Superkids Portal is available at home for use to access Backpack pages, lesson spelling lists, the Decodeable Reader, and Super Magazine. Follow the steps below to access the account you setup in first grade if you have not already!

 Go to http://www.superkidsreading.com/

 Click School and Parent Log In

 Type in your email 

 Type in Password or Click Forgot Password to reset


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