Dear Parents and Friends,
I’m very proud of our students, faculty and staff for working gracefully through the sweltering days of early September.  The new windows and upgraded univents in the school building, along with fans, cold water, popsicles and a relaxed dress code, helped make those days successful for all.  Again, many thanks to Universal Windows Direct, for their contribution!  We’re happy to report that the investment is paying off.

If you have substitute teaching licensure and would like to work with great children who are also great students, please contact Mrs. Newrones in the school office at (330)460-7301.  You can also email her at

Please visit our school website,, regularly to read and see the joyful excellence in teaching and learning that takes place here at our parish school. The website is under construction so that we can provide the best information for current and prospective families, stakeholders and anyone seeking top-quality Catholic education.  Please see attached letter regarding communication avenues used here. Our goal is for the website to be THE source for all things SAS.

STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) becomes STREAM (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts and Math) here at Saint Ambrose School.  We are very excited and well on our way to being designated as a STEM-certified school.  Our progressive Coding Program continues to shine, and all faculty members are working hard to best serve our students in 21st Century teaching and learning.  If you want a picture of why we need to teach our children this way as opposed to only status quo teaching toward standardized assessments, view the “Did You Know?” video on YouTube using this link:

We have a huge responsibility and a unique opportunity at Saint Ambrose Catholic School to focus our students’ learning on Jesus Christ and help them navigate this Digital Age properly for a future that is moving quickly toward us.  We gladly partner with parents in this endeavor.  How fitting that we celebrate Catechetical Sunday in gratitude for our teachers and staff members who are strong catechists as well.  We are blessed to have so many committed to sharing and teaching our awesome Catholic faith with our children!  May the light of Christ continue to shine brightly through all catechists.

Please join us at the Table of the Lord with our parish family at Mass this weekend. We thank and ask God’s blessings upon all catechists of our faith!

Again, if you have questions, never hesitate to ask your child’s teacher or me.  We’re here to provide Everything for our students.  Thank you for partnering with us. We are so blessed here! May all that we do be a prayer of thanksgiving for God’s promises to us.  May our promise to Him be a response of joyful excellence and faithful discipleship.


Mrs. Cinadr

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