HSP First Day of School Update


Mr. Dziedzicki- Assistant Principal, HSP Director, 8th Grade Homeroom, Mathematics


What a terrific day for our teachers and students! Across all the HSP classrooms, much time was spent getting to know one another and seeing the foundation for a fantastic school year being laid. I had the opportunity to visit with each HSP class and am looking forward to working with our fantastic faculty and students of HSP!

One message that I shared with the 8th graders, and will be sharing with all of HSP going forward, is that all of them are excellent! Our students are excellent people, excellent students, excellent sons and daughters. Excellence  is what  we will demand of one another. Excellence is rarely easy but we should expect nothing less!


Here are some thoughts from the rest of our HSP Faculty…


Mrs. Hamzik- 8th Grade Homeroom, Science


It is wonderful see all of my seventh and eighth grade students and meet all of my new sixth graders!

We are ready to begin a very productive year in science.  Whether we are launching rockets, competing in science fair, or learning the periodic table we will embrace our challenges with persistence. I look forward to an awesome year.


Ms. Noga- 7th Grade Homeroom, Social Studies


Today was an absolutely amazing day! I am so incredibly happy that I made the decision to move up to the High School Prep team. It was wonderful reconnecting with former students and finding that the rapport was still there. I have missed them so much! I’m excited to take on the challenge of teaching older students and more advanced curricula, and I have a plethora of fun activities planned. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to teach your children social studies once again. I am confident it will be an exciting, thought-provoking, inspiring year!


Mr. LaGuardia- 7th Grade Homeroom, English/Language Arts


Hello! This is Mr. L–I wanted to let all of you know what a exciting day it had been for 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade English. Today, your children took great risks by stepping out in front of the class and reintroducing themselves to myself and all of their peers. We talked about who we are, where we have come from, and what our current interests are. Your amazing students also reflected on their own personalities, and wrote down three specific words they would characterize themselves as. We will use these words to create word clouds, so that students can see what characteristics they all have in common, as well as what makes them unique.


I hope you all have found this post informative, and I also hope you are excited that your students are stepping up to the plate to be truly prepared to take on high school, wherever they may go.


Ms. Kadlec- 6th Grade Homeroom, Religion


Today seemed to fly by in room 204. The morning was filled with policy reviews and reminders along with introductions and discussions.  Each group of students brought joy and excitement throughout the building and especially in the church as we celebrated our first school Mass of the 2017-2018 academic year.  Thanks for sharing your beautiful children! We are all truly blessed!


Mr. Mullen- 6th Grade Homeroom, Mathematics


What an amazing start to the school year. The energy in HSP was amazing. In six grade homeroom we started with introductions or students introduce themselves and another student based on morning discussions. Later on, with homeroom, we did some critical thinking games and games to help get to know each other and reacquaint one other. We played a critical thinking game called green glass door where students had to help each other figure out the rule. And, in our math classes today, we practiced procedures for how to come into class and we played a game where students had to guess a number that was posted to their backs by asking only yes or no questions to drive the point home that it is important in math to ask specific questions. Finally we emphasize the importance of having a growth mindset in the math classroom which led to a short assignment where students have to interview and adult about their experience in math and they were in school. This is going to be a great year!

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