Visual Art Update for Wednesday, and Friday February 20 & 22nd

Preschool: The students will be creating a self-portrait with a smile of teeth. This is a collaborative project with Preschool themed “Dental Hygiene:.

Kindergarten: Each student created a symmetrical butterfly. We discussed the anatomy of butterflies and moths. Naming each section, a head, a thorax, and an abdomen.On the head are two compound eyes, a proboscis, and the points of attachments for two

First and Second: Students learned about weaving. We discussed the process of “weft” and “warp”.

Third: Students in Mrs. Cole’s class experimented with watercolor paints. They learned new techniques while utilizing the watercolor paints.

Fourth: Students in Mrs. Parente’s class finished their ecosystem ocean seascape using watercolor paints. Mrs. Thompson’s class finished drawing inside a room. They learned about interior design and one point perspective drawing.

Fifth: Each student finished their drawing of the inside of a room. They learned about a career as an interior designer.

Sixth: Students started learning about the art history timeline. They worked in groups to analyze the difference of each period in art history.

Seventh: Students observed a video on public art. We discussed the scale, weather elements and aesythiesc of each object presented via Promethean board.

Eighth: Students finished the “Great Wave” Hokusai Painting. They painted it as they interpreted it!

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