“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”Galatians 6:9
At Saint Ambrose, service is an incredible part of education of the whole child interwoven into our daily life on campus.  We provide our students and families with many opportunities to serve and bless others.  This past weekend was no exception.
Our Second Graders took part in their Peace and Forgiveness Retreat this past week.
It is a treasured tradition for them on the path of very important sacraments that take place this year.
As the timing coincides each year with Halloween, it was a great way to come together to prepare for their First Reconciliation next month, as well as celebrate the Autumn season.

As part of their retreat preparation and service project, students were to perform chores at home in order to earn money to buy and bring in a bag of their favorite candy to make goody bags for the homeless.  While outside, the students learned how to work in teams on various challenges – and how peace and forgiveness come into play while working together.   What a good reminder for all of us of the little things we can do to have a great impact on others.  Our young students brought joy to the faces of so many of our homeless this past weekend. See The Good, Be The Good.

Our virtual learners at home were also able to participate in the retreat, too – isn’t technology awesome??
It was a pleasure to join our parish and PSR families in serving both our parish campus and those within our parish to help clean up, repair, paint and help!  Students joined their families to sign up to volunteer for varies projects around campus as well as over 12 remote residences and locations and completed so much together on a sunny day for the Lord!  Thank you to all of our students and families who continue to say YES to the Lord by serving others.  We are so blessed to be a part of such a beautiful family of giving!
Thank You Jesus For Our School Families!

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