Join us ONLINE January 10, 2021, as we kick off Priority Enrollment for families for the 2021-2022 school year!

Registered parish families and school families are eligible to enroll for 2021-2022 beginning January 10th and have priority and discounted registration thru January 30, 2021.

Open Enrollment begins February 15th, until all spaces are filled.

Preschool families will register ONLINE at  The registration fee will also be collected online.  Invoices and ACH payment plans will be sent once registration is confirmed.  All entries will be date and time stamped once the registration and fee are received.

Grades K-8
Kindergarten-8th grade families will enroll online.  Details can be found at

Current school families will log in to their existing Digital Academy accounts to re-enroll from a laptop or desktop computer.
New prospective families will visit us online to create a Digital Academy account and apply online at

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