This was a hot week in room 104. What do we do on hot days? Distract ourselves from the heat with fun and engaging lessons, of course! We like to call it ‘Cool Math!’ because we take it to a room with AC in the building.

Tuesday we focused on number lines in class. We extended that lesson Wednesday to check for mastery by breaking into groups and taking part in a number line challenge. Groups had to make a number line, label it by skip counting by a number of their choice, and then replace some numbers with blanks for another group to try to solve. We had some very challenging questions, but every group passed the challenge with flying colors! We did all of this by staying cool in the DLL room.

Here are some pictures from this…


On Wednesday we dug a little deeper into the place values we are studying in topic 1. We used what we know in place values to compare numbers. Students refreshed by going over symbols like <, >, and =. (They needed a reminder on what the actual phrase was for each, so don’t forget to go over this before Wednesday’s test! Greater than, Less than, and Equal to) As part of our ‘Cool Math!” for this lesson we traveled downstairs to the library to play a math game. Students used dice to build and find numbers with place values extending into the hundred thousands. With this they then used a game board, similar to tic-tac-toe, to compare the numbers they rolled. Winners were the one who filled in the whole board first! If you would like to play this at home, you can find it in the math tab of the STAR Binder.

Here are some pictures from this…

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