

Upon entering their computer science class on Monday September 20th, 6th grade Saint Ambrose students were instructed that they were going to be cancer research scientists for the day!

They were informed that they were going to receive lung cancer tissue sample imagery and that they were required to research and use computer programming to determine which form of lung cancer they were investigating.


6th grade students collaborated in groups to research the different forms of lung cancer, used a code library, and coded using sensing to collect data in lists. After executing data collection and researching lung cancer, students were able to analyze their data to present their results to other groups in order to conclude which form of lung cancer they were working on. Students were able to differentiate if their tissue samples were small cell or non-small cell lung cancer through their research, coding, data collection process, and collaboration with other students.


Students also learned about cancer research careers and how to be a cancer research scientist through tissue sample investigation, research, data collection, and analysis. A special guest, Jennifer Seidel, from Solutions Behavioral Health, presented lung cancer statistics, a video demonstration, and lung cancer props (lungs, teeth, and phlegm all exposed to smoking) that positively affected students.


This STEM PBL project was possible through collaboration with science teacher, Mrs. Laurie Hamzik and computer science teacher, Mrs. Lori Schlueter. Mrs. Hamzik recently taught 6th grade students about cell division and how cells may transform into cancer. Mrs. Schlueter was able to utilize that background knowledge and implement it using her coding with cancer cell project by focusing on lung cancer cells. ELA teacher, Mrs. Melissa Stern was also able to collaborate by having students write about the coding with cancer cells lesson. Students were able to write a reflection about what they had learned and how they could help someone with lung cancer!

Quote from English teacher Mrs. Stern: “The lesson had a great impact on the students.”


Keira Kirkpatrick and Kate Monnin are pictured in the coding with cancer cells pictures.




Quote from student Keira Kirpatrick: “I found it interesting that the lungs are so different. By doing only a simple thing (smoking), it can do so much damage.”


Quote from student Kate Monnin: “I learned an interesting fact about lung cancer. There are two different kinds of lung cancer and you don’t just get it from smoking. You can also get it from factories or trucks!”


Quote from Guest Speaker:  Solutions Behavioral Healthcare Prevention Specialist, Jennifer Seidel, M.Ed, RA  “I was impressed by The Saint Ambrose 6th grade students-They were very knowledgeable about the two different lung cancer cells covered in today’s presentation, along with the symptoms and effects of smoking.”



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