In 4th grade math the students have been reviewing how to regroup when adding and how to borrow when subtracting.  Have your child be the teacher and teach you a problem or two; they are great teachers.

In 5th grade math the students are using mental math to make connections of multiplying multiples.  For example, 4 x 4 =  16, 4 x 40 = 160.  The trick is to cover the zeros in the factors, multiply the nonzero numbers, count how many zeros were covered in the factors and add them to the product. There are great detectives who discovered this trick on their own.

Confirmation was a hot topic of learning in 5th grade as well. Your child is already thinking about a sponsor and a name. The students had the opportunity to ask Father Bob questions about Confirmation after grade 4 and 5 Mass;  I learned from the questions that they asked as well:)  Take some time to share your Confirmation experience with your child; they love to hear stories from when you were young. The students were busy checking out the parish website to learn about the plethora of ministries offered; they wrote down which ministries  sparked their  interest based on their gifts and talents. I shared with them how I love animals so I am part of Noah’s Ark Ministry.

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