The students in 4th grade were acting as detectives as they searched for all the factors for numbers to 100.  Wow, there are lots of factors for some numbers.  They also utilized their monetary skills as they counted out money using different combinations of bills and coins. Even with so much technology, counting money is an important life skill.


In 5th grade the students wrapped up learning about the Sacraments of Initiation and participated in a Living Rosary along with the student body of St. Ambrose.  Praying the Rosary with the children is such a spiritual and reflective time; the students also pray the Rosary in class.  More students were caught displaying acts of KINDNESS this week as they modeled behavior of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Helping hands, using kind words of encouragement and following directions are a few examples of acts of KINDNESS this week.  Way to Go, 5th graders!!!


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