Goodbye First Quarter, Hello Second Quarter!
We accomplished so many things not only this week but during our First Quarter of school! When we entered LL1 in August, many children were so shy and could barely write their name. In just a few weeks, we are emerging into strong, independent learners who not only can write his/her own name, but we also can read and we are beginning to write our own sentences! Just imagine what the second quarter will bring! :)
A special thank you to Mrs. Cinadr for reading “How Full is Your Bucket” by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer. It is a great reminder of how our actions can cause our “bucket” to drop or drip. Ask your child to explain! :)
I kindly ask you to pay close attention to our newsletter and homework deadlines. Many fun activities depend on sending back assignments on time.
Please remember a healthy snack each day, including Friday! Our growing bodies need to be energized! :)
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns! I am happy to listen and help in any way I can!