It is hard to believe that we are beginning the second quarter of the school year!  All grades are due on Tuesday.  Report cards will be sent home this week.

Please be sure to sign up for a conference with me. The office sent a link out to all families. If you have any questions…please feel free to contatct me.

Thank you to all who have participated in the school Read-a-thon!  You have done a wonderful job! :)

In class last week we focused upon the following:

Religion- We learned about the importance of prayer.  We also learned about the following different types of prayer: praise, asking, thanks, and sorry.

Math- We concluded our unit on place value with a quiz.  We also began to learn about adding zero and one to a number. We also created rules to remember when adding one or zero to any number.

Reading – We are working on making inferences while reading.

Grammar: We continue to practice writing good sentences using appropriate punctuation and upper case letters where needed.

Phonics- We are working on the blends of ng and ing.  In addition, we are focusing upon /sh/, /ch/, /th/, /wh/

Social Studies – We discussed rights and responsibilities. We also discussed what makes a person responsibile.

Health- We discussed feelings and ways that we can express our feelings.  In addition, we talked about things we can do if we become angry.  This included: counting to ten, talking to an adult and walking away to take a break away from the situation.

I’m looking forward to beginning the second quarter of school learning with the children.

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