Dear 2nd Grade Families,

This is a reminder for Community Day on Saturday, November 5th  from 9am -11am in Hilkert Hall Gym.

At Community Day, both PSR and Day School students will gather together as they continue to prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Breakfast will be provided by the Knights of Columbus.

A few important notes for the day:

  • Babysitting will be provided. You will need to contact Janet Mijka to sign up  before Saturday
  • Please arrive promptly at 8:50am
  • Bring a small picture of your family to be used in one of the planned activities
  • The invitation is for the student and one family member due to the number of students preparing for the Sacraments

We  look forward to seeing you and your child on Saturday.

Mrs. Shreve and Mrs. Kubas

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