Dear Friends,

“Chase the Light. Abide in the Light. Radiate the Light.”  Father Bob’s homily Sunday morning was a wonderful reminder and really a summary of our mission at Saint Ambrose School.  In addition to teaching the basics of Math, English Language Arts, Science, Physical Education and Fine Arts, we strive to form and develop skills that our students will take and share outside of the school walls.

Prayer services, faith formation, service to our brothers and sisters in Christ, learning to respect and celebrate each other’s gifts and talents – these are just a few of the ways Christ’s Light shines forth.  Putting God first, others second and ourselves third takes practice.  We work to form young people who live in a world that has that philosophy backward.  Thankfully, we have our Catholic faith and amazing parents who partner with us on this journey.

We instituted Milan Monthly sessions, lunch and leadership sessions designed to introduce our Eighth Grade students to business and community leaders whose faith plays a large role in their direction and success. Why the name Milan Monthly? St. Ambrose of Milan was a lawyer and Doctor of the Church whose strong faith led him to be a man of wisdom and grace, knowledge and leadership.  Mr. Robert Gillingham of Gillingham Ford also spent a week with our Eighth Grade students teaching them financial literacy. Our school is the only school in which he teaches Eighth Grade students.  They learned college-level financial information such as investments, risk, mutual funds and more. They know more than I do about that now!  Our prayer, our hope, is that our Eighth Grade leaders leave Saint Ambrose Catholic School to live a successful life inspired by the faith of leaders who believe that Jesus is Everything and use His values as their guide.

Our first Milan Monthly guests were Larry and Eva Dolan, owners of the Cleveland Indians.  GO TRIBE 2017!  Their life story is blessed and their faith is a major component of that story.  Our entire student body enjoyed a spirited rally with Mr. and Mrs. Dolan after the Eighth Grade luncheon on December 2.  What a great event for all of us!

Did you know that Saint Ambrose School is one of the very few elementary schools that teaches computer science and coding?  True.  We are in our second year of teaching coding skills to students in Kindergarten through Eighth Grade.  Today, our students had the privilege of participating in an extended version of the national “Hour of Code.”  Our event included Joseph Klopecki, retired NASA physicist and electrical engineer who discussed water and ice on the moon and planets; Tom Hammond, Computer Specialist at the University of Akron who discussed 3D printing and its uses; and Bob Gillingham whose family donated the funds for our much needed and used “DLL”, our Distance Learning Lab. Our Sixth Grade students thanked Mr. Gillingham and his family for their generous gift.  They then presented digital artwork ideas to him.  Mr. Gillingham and his family will select the design we will use as signage for our Distance Learning Lab.

Great teaching and learning happen here! We thank God for His many blessings and for your continued prayerful and financial support.

Sincerely in Christ,

Lisa Cinadr


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