Attention parents of 5th-8th grade Student Ambassadors in Action: There will be training this Thursday, October 13th from 2:30- 3:30 PM in Mr. Bolin’s classroom. Much information will be shared with your children during this meeting including goals, expectations and a list of many events in which they can be of service to their school. Refreshments will be provided. Please have your child RSVP for this training session to Mrs. Marvin by Tuesday, October 11th at Also, please be sure your child has a note for their teacher regarding staying after school for this training. After this training, Student Ambassadors will meet bi-monthly beginning on Wednesday, October 19th. Thank you very much! We are very excited to work with your children through this leadership program!

Dear Student Ambassador in Action:

Thank you for submitting your Saint Ambrose School Student Ambassador in Action application. Our team is very excited that you have such a wonderful desire to serve your school and community in this capacity! Being an ambassador will offer you many opportunities from showcasing your school during Open Houses to representing your school at various school and parish functions. It will also enable you to improve upon your public speaking and leadership skills.

On Thursday, October 13th, there will be a Student Ambassador training/meeting from 2:30-3:30 PM in Room 201. Please RSVP to Mrs. Marvin by Tuesday, October 11th at so that we can adequately plan for food and refreshments. Also, if you plan on attending, please give a note to your teacher.

Our team looks forward to working with you as we represent Saint Ambrose Catholic School with ‘Angel’ pride!

God Bless,

The Student Ambassadors in Action Team
Mrs. Antonius, Ms. Kadlec, Mrs. Graber & Mrs. Marvin

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