Turn your tax dollars into tuition!

Your participation in the Angel Scholarship Fund strengthens our schools – and our future – in countless ways; and best of all, your thoughtful generosity makes a big difference.

Through the Angel Scholarship Fund, you can now contribute funds that will be used to provide tuition assistance for students to attend our Catholic schools, and you will receive a 100% Ohio income tax credit of up to $750 and $1500 if filing jointly against your annual state tax liability.  Check with your CPA for for additional information on this.

In other words, the state of Ohio allows you to “spend” some of the state income taxes you must pay anyway to provide tuition assistance for students seeking an education at Saint Ambrose. The Angel Scholarship Fund is a win-win-win for taxpayer donors, scholarship recipients, and our school.

• It’s easy and convenient.
• You can give back online.

• It comes at no additional cost to you (it is a credit to your state income taxes)

Our GOAL in 2024-2025 is to raise $150,000 to help support the Angel Scholarship Fund

To donate directly online, go to www.catholiccommunity.org/support/catholic-education/angel-scholarship-fund

Please be sure to select “Saint Ambrose Catholic School” as the recipient of your contribution…thank you!   

For more information, contact

Michelle Brousek – Director of Development & Funding, Saint Ambrose School

330.460.7318  |  mbrousek@staschool.us

Jacki Fink- Business Office, Saint Ambrose Parish

330.460.7344  |  jfink@stambrose.us

Recap from the 2023!

Thank you…this past year we generated over $130,000 in 2023-24 to help our Saint Ambrose Catholic School families.

We awarded 79 SAS families (up 25% increase from last year) from the generous donations to the Angel Scholarship Fund in 2023.

Award amounts averaged $1,100 per family.*

156 financial aid applications were received and evaluated. Scholarships were awarded to families order of financial need based on household income.


Recap from the 2022 Launch!

Thank you…we raised over $54,000 in 2023-24 to help our Saint Ambrose Catholic School families.

We awarded 28 SAS families from the gracious donations to the Angel Scholarship Fund in 2023. 

Award amounts averaged $1,800 per family.*

48 financial aid applications were received and evaluated.


Thank you so much to our parish for your support of the Angel Scholarship Fund! Your tax credit donation will enable students to succeed at Saint Ambrose School! *Due to the changes with Ed Choice Scholarship finances awarded to families will be redistributed in late October 2023 and 2024