Thank you to all who met with your children’s teachers in conferences over the last two weeks! We support you as your children’s primary educators and relish our partnership for their benefit.  As a reminder, please contact our teachers or me any time you have questions or concerns.

Today was amazing! We were privileged to be in community with our sisters and brothers from St. Francis Xavier School.  Our super time together began with a pizza lunch together followed by prayer then Alex Sheen’s message of keeping our promises.  Go to for more about him and his non-profit organization to better humanity.  Such a powerful, relevant message!

“Because I Said I Would” is a defining moment for our 5th-8th grade students and faculty.  It solidifies this year’s theme of “Promise/Pledge”.  God has promised His faithfulness in so many ways. We are charged to thank Him by living in joyful excellence as Jesus’ faithful disciples.  Alex renewed that charge and challenged each of us to make a difference for each other to make a better world.  I’m looking forward to supporting our students as they build up each other and our school culture in very positive and long-lasting ways.

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