Dear SAS Family,

The positive energy that has been swirling in and around campus since Spirit Sunday is palpable, and today only affirmed your wise choice in education for your children.  It was great to welcome our returning and new students this morning with the aid of Student Council officers – complete with spirit signs and pompoms!  I love our school and all that the faculty and staff bring to provide and support our students!  We are truly blessed.
After everyone was in their proper classrooms, our Broadcast Team allowed me to welcome everyone, set the tone for the year and introduce Senora Velez and Mr. Wortman.  The team then took over and opened the school year with prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance, Happy Birthday messages and other announcements.  Students and staff enjoyed getting to know each other throughout the day as they learned and practiced procedures to help each school day run smoothly and calmly.
Mr. Dziedzicki (Asst. Principal) and I spent time with each class throughout the day – what a joy!
The icing on the cake today was celebrating a joyous Mass together to open the school year – the greatest privilege we have!  Father Bob blessed us and the students’ religion books. The day ended with everyone praying together our schoolwide prayer, The Guardian Angel Prayer.  What a fantastic day!
We thank God for all of His blessings on us today and ask for His continued grace and mercy.
In Jesus Who is Everything for us,
Mrs. Cinadr

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