Dear Parents and Friends,

The first quarter of the school year has passed and most of the kinks are unkinked.   The students and even our faculty and staff have successfully made the transition!  While we’ve all been challenged with the newness of a new school year, a new principal, some new procedures and policies, the heart of Saint Ambrose Catholic School remains steady and constant – Jesus Christ is Everything for us.

When we stay focused on the prize, everything falls into place.  Our mission is to provide Everything to your children.  My pledge, my promise continues into the second quarter.  We had a strong start, let’s continue to “run the race to win” and use all the blessings we have been given to be all that we are created to be.

Thank you to all who have joined us for school and weekend liturgies throughout the months. It has been a joy to celebrate at the Table of the Lord as a school family!  Let’s continue throughout this quarter too. It’s the greatest privilege we can enjoy and we’re stronger because of it.  Yesterday we celebrated with our youngest angels from Littlest Angels Preschool and Kindergarten.  The song our Kindergarten children sang after Mass, “Jesus is the Light of the World,”  was a bright light in itself!  They reminded everyone gathered that the Holy Spirit guides our way and our work.  Thank you for allowing His Light to shine in and through your family.

As we celebrate Halloween today, we are reminded that it is a precursor to the great feasts of All Saints Day tomorrow and All Souls Day on Wednesday.  Tomorrow we will remember and honor the holy men and women who let the Light of Christ guide and move them.  That includes all who do now too. Come and celebrate Mass with us at 8:15 a.m.  On Wednesday, we will specially remember our deceased loved ones who are with us in spirit and pray with us on our earthly journey.  The parish’s Mass of Remembrance will be celebrated at 7:00 p.m.

Our Catholic faith is awesome! The more we get to know its beauty in Christ, the more we recognize how blessed we are to profess it, and the better equipped we are to do the work we are all called to do – whether we are a student, teacher, administrator, parent, business owner, etc.

To God be the glory!


Lisa Cinadr, Principal


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