The countdown is at 2 MORE DAYS!  (*Reminder no hot lunch tomorrow due to voting- please pack a lunch both days*)
On Wednesday we have our third grade field trip for the Trolley Tour of Cleveland.
Please take a moment to review the information sent home with the field trip form (pasted below). This answers questions I have been getting about lunches, what to wear, and if students can bring money. :)
*Another note to add to the lunch directions: Since we are eating lunch on the Trolley, we will not have a lot of space to separate for food allergies. While we will do this by any means possible, we would also ask that you send a peanut free lunch with your student to help this transition of the day. A tree nut free lunch would be even more helpful if at all possible.
*Wednesday morning we will be boarding Brunswick school buses and heading to the Powerhouse to board the Trolley around 9:15. My class and the chaperons will all be on the same trolley together and remain with that trolley all day.
*Chaperons have been posted to Progress Book for over a week if you would like to view this information and missed it. Thank you to everyone who offered to volunteer, we hope to see you possibly during typing camp (more information to come on this at the end of the week) or the end of the year party. Don’t forget- you can also come next Wednesday to cheer us on during the fun run!
*We are estimating that we will be back at school at 1:45 pm Wednesday afternoon.
*Depending on the trolley our class boards upon arrival we will take one of two routes. One visits the markets first then does the tour and the other does the tour first and then visits the markets. We will be on the opposite route of the other third grade class.
*Students will be assigned a group and an adult to stay with for the entire day and will find out this information Wednesday morning.
If there are any questions please let me know. I can assure you this will be one of the most impacting field trips for your student.
This was the letter sent home a few weeks ago for parents to review in case you needed an extra copy…

Dear Third Grade Parents,

We are so excited to send home the attached field trip form for our Lolly the Trolley City Tour along with a Mini Ethnic Market Tour. Mrs. Exton is our experienced field trip planner and has done a lot of research and preparing to allow us to take part in this rare field trip! We owe her many thanks for putting this all together for us to have such an exciting and memorable day. In the past this has been the highlight of being a third grader!

The date of our field trip is Wednesday, May 3. We will take a hometown guided tour of the City of Cleveland and visit two markets in addition to the Historical West Side Market. Miss Graber will be reviewing topics closely related from now until the day of our field trip to tie in with Social Studies standards of our “Local Community”.

On the field trip day, please have your child pack a totally disposable brown bag lunch (hot/buyer lunches will not be available this day) with their name on it. Juice boxes or water bottles work best, rather than cans or glass while traveling place to place. We cannot leave anything on the bus or trolley as we tour the markets. We wouldn’t want to lose your Tupperware! :)

There will be a small window of time to shop at the markets during the field trip. Your child should not bring more than $10, if they choose to bring money to spend at all. Students will be responsible for holding onto their own cash or change they end up with during the entire field trip. Keeping this in mind, pockets in pants, shorts, or a light jacket will be best for this day. Students must wear their normal school day uniform the day of the field trip. Please do not allow students to bring technology or cameras on the field trip. The teachers and aides will be taking numerous photos to share during the length of this day, so be sure to check e-mail, Remind App, and/or the school website for posts with these during and after that day.

If you have questions, please contact your classroom teacher. Thank you!

God Bless,

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