HSP Weekly Update


Mr. Dziedzicki- Assistant Principal, HSP Director, 8th Grade Homeroom, Mathematics

It was an awesome week in HSP! Engaged students and awesome lessons across the board. Students completed MAP testing and the HSP faculty met on Thursday to begin sifting through student data in an effort to continue to develop plans to serve our students to the best of our abilities.

My Algebra I classes began making ties to the business world through our studies of systems of equations. The 6th grade advanced class is continuing to look at rational numbers and properties of numbers.

Here are some thoughts from the rest of our HSP Faculty…


Mrs. Hamzik- 8th Grade Homeroom, Science

Sixth grade did an incredible job on their cell models and are ready to begin the study of cellular processes and energy. Seventh grade will be investigating energy flows in ecosystems and invertebrate phyla. Finally, eighth grade is looking at characteristics of stars and is using the app “Planetarium” to explore stars globally.


Ms. Noga- 7th Grade Homeroom, Social Studies

It has been another awesome week at St. Ambrose! The sixth-graders learned about the civilization of Mesopotamia and how agriculture and farming affected the people’s lives. They created a Google Drawing of an irrigation system and also began to make “Help Wanted” posters advertising particular Mesopotamian jobs. Next on the agenda is the rise of Sumer and that civilization’s achievements. In seventh grade, the students learned about the concept of Greek city-states. They also studied different types of early Greek governments and engaged in an activity in which they had to judge a land dispute based on the type of government their group was assigned. Next they will learn about Athens vs. Sparta. Finally, the eighth-graders presented their extremely creative presentations on Native American cultural traditions. We also began to talk about early European explorers. There will be a quiz on Friday, 10/6(check Option C for topic details).


Mr. LaGuardia- 7th Grade Homeroom, English/Language Arts

This past week was a demanding one for students, but they stuck it out. Even when the heat was high, students rose up and met the challenge of completing yet another week of tough schoolwork. All classes had a quiz this week and took part in various activities which included reading, writing, speaking, and listening. As always, students were asked to make connections, take positive risks, to use their imaginations, to take part in sensory experiences that enhanced their learning, to increase their perceptivity skills, as well as to take the reigns of their own learning through active engagement and feedback. On another note, teachers received MAP test results this week. These results will be used to make pedagogical decisions going forward in the year.

Thank you again for allowing me the opportunity to work with your children. They show again and again that the future of Northeast Ohio will be bright.

Mr. Mullen- 6th Grade Homeroom, Mathematics

This week six grade math classes will use fractions and decimals, as well scale factor, to bake recipes in the kitchen. Later in the week, students will begin to review converting between fractions, decimals and percentages. Look for a foldable note chart to come home to help them with practice problems.

This week seventh grade mathematicians will wrap up the unit on proportions and percentages with a study of practical applications of percentages in word problems.We will review for the chapter test that is on Friday. Look for a study guide to come home and be posted to google classroom on Monday or Tuesday.

Eighth grade will continue their study of inequalities, getting into compound inequalities and their many uses. There will be a short quiz on Friday over solving inequalities.


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