Hello Parents!

Yesterday  the children participated in an emergency evaculation drill.  The students all held hands and helped each other get to our designated safe area.  The children did a phenomenal job!  I am very proud of them! :)

The children also decorated our class Christmas tree in front of the school.  Our theme is “Happy Birthday Jesus!”  Our tree looks amazing! Please stop by to see it when you have a moment.

**Please be sure your child brings a large shoebox with his or her name on it.  The children are also still in need of many empty toilet tissue rolls.

We are also still collecting aluminum cans for the children in need at the Ronald McDonald House.


With the upcoming holiday many activities are happening in school!

I.  All Pizza Hut Book-It calendars are due tomorrow. (December 1st).

II. On December 3rd, the Singing Angels will be performing at St. Ambrose.

Let’s celebrate Mass together at 4:30 p.m.   After Mass enjoy pizza and salad along with our St. Ambrose Dance Team’s performance.

The Singing Angel’s concert will follow at 6:30 p.m.  Please bring a plate of cookies to share.  All events are FREE!

Please watch for an online reservation link for pizza.  It is going to be a wonderful evening! :)

III. Picture retake day is on December 6th.  If your child is having photo retakes, please return your child’s photos to school on the day of retakes.

IV.  The children will be given the opportunity to purchase Christmas gifts at the St. Ambrose Santa Shop on Friday, December 9th.

V.  Our school Christmas concert is on Thursday, December 156h.

  • Students are to report to the church by 6:00 pm for warm-up and instructions
  • Doors open for seating at 6:30 pm for family and friends
  • Show begins at 7:00 pm

Families are not to reserve seating before 6:30 pm, any items will be removed from the pews.

After students are dropped off by 6:00 pm at the church, please head over to Hilkert Hall for the Art Show set-up by Mrs. Kinley.

Christmas Concert Attire: Christmas Best

Absolutely NO: tennis shoes, jeans, t-shirts, or hoodies

Please send an email to Miss Friedman at afriedman@staschool.us if you are unable to attend the Christmas Concert or if you have any questions!

Have a wonderful day! :)

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