As we begin another week of joyful excellence here at SAS, I am reminded how the Holy Spirit provides glimpses of God’s glory. The past week gave us so many opportunities! On October 4, we celebrated the gift of St. Francis of Assisi and his message through a school-wide prayer service on his feast day, October 4. Sixth Grade students prepared and led us, along with our new liturgical ministers from HSP, in prayer and peace reflections. Students shared their promises of peace toward others and God’s creation by writing on paper leaves that are shared throughout the school.
The energy we experienced at SAS on Friday and this weekend can only be described as epic!  Student Council members planned a memorable spirit rally during which we as a school family celebrated our fall athletic teams and the annual Eighth Grade vs. Faculty-Staff volleyball game.  The event was complete with music from DJ Chris Cook, red and white pom poms, and enough school spirit to raise the roof. The spirit rally was a great way to end the school week and usher in the weekend.
Our parish’s annual Autumn Harvest Festival was set to perfect fall weather and began with a large congregation celebrating
5:00 p.m. Mass at the Grottoon Saturday.  Angels were singing as our choir of adults and many of our school children led us in praise and worship. The Gospel and Father reminded us that we need to be grateful and make our thanks to others personal, specific and often. After Mass, Father Bob blessed our new playset courtesy of LoFaso Realty, and an incredible evening continued as families together enjoyed great food, pumpkin bowling, hay rides driven by Father (Farmer) Bob, finding their way through a corn maze, pumpkin decorating, and more!
I was able to spend some time at our parish’s cross country meet yesterday.  Particularly impressive was the grit and determination shown by our Saint Ambrose team members as they ran up one hill and down another over a 2- to 2.3-mile course.  Not one team member gave up – from the first finisher to the last, they all inspired me to work hard and finish every task no matter the difficulty.  The grace of God helps us all do that.  We just need to ask and receive.
With a heart full of gratitude, I say thank you to God for His blessings that He showers upon us every day, to Father Bob for caring so much about us, and to all who work so hard to build God’s kingdom every day and bring Jesus Christ who is Everything to each of us!


Lisa M. Cinadr

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