FUTURE CITY TEAM – Representatives of our award-winning Future City Team presented at the Diocese of Cleveland’s Elementary Principals’ Meeting on February 15.  I was so proud of them and again watched and listened in awe as Ms. Hamzik and our 8th Grade students presented their cross-curricular STEM project to a large roomful of principals and diocesan staff members. As the only school in the diocese doing this kind of work, SAS has set the bar high for 21st Century education!

OETC 2017 – Did you know that Saint Ambrose School was represented at the Ohio Educational Technological Conference February 15-16th in Columbus, Ohio? Lori Schlueter, half of our Computer Science teaching team, presented, “STEM: Anyone Can Empower Students Using Geospatial Digital Content!” In addition, our student team of Serena, Katie and Daniel presented their work in geospatial tracking of climate change.  WOW! God has blessed us with passionate teachers and partners who provide extraordinary opportunities for all of our students!

MILAN MONTHLY THANK YOU!  Each month, our Eighth Grade students share lunchtime with successful, faith-filled business and community leaders. Why the name Milan Monthly? St. Ambrose of Milan was a lawyer and Doctor of the Church whose strong faith led him to be a man of wisdom and grace, knowledge and leadership.  Our prayer, our hope, is that our Eighth Grade leaders leave Saint Ambrose Catholic School to live successful lives inspired by the faith of leaders who believe that Jesus is Everything and use His values as their guide.  MANY THANKS to our recent guest speakers: Larry and Eva Dolan, Kim Harrington, Greg Clemente, Jen and Rich Kirkpatrick! Their life stories provided great inspiration for our young adults. May God continue to bless them for glorifying Him in their work and lives.

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