Recently, our Power of the Pen team competed at the district competition at Cuyahoga Heights Middle School. There were students from 18 schools and approximately 100 students from 7th grade and 100 students from 8th grade. We had 2 students place in the top 15. Emma placed 14th overall and Mollie place 4th. Approximately, 50% of the students move on to the regional competition at Padua High School on April 1. From there, approximately 25% move on to the state competition at The College of Wooster in May.

Power of the Pen is committed to being the leading interscholastic program in written expression, designed for young writers at the 7th and 8th grade levels. The purpose it to awaken and strengthen the creative voices of young writers.  In Ohio, more than 500 schools from over 80 counties participate in the program.   Power of the Pen believes that young writers will be better equipped to handle the rigors of themes and research papers at higher levels of learning if their own voices are strongly developed and self-confident.  Mrs. Takacs & Mrs. Stern (coaches) take great pride in nurturing and inspiring creativity in students.

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