This year at St. Ambrose we have implemented the new program “Angels Make a Difference” that encourages the children to show their faith through their actions. This program helps to recognize children in each class that exemplify Christian character throughout the school year. With each months focus “Fruit” we will learn more about what that individual topic means.

Each month there will be one or more students that are recognized as a steward of the program and will be recognized by parents, the school, our class, and parish community for that current fruit. What a great honor!

Another part of this program allows for teachers to recognize students K-8 in the school who are displaying any fruit at any given time. When this happens you will know because you will have a special surprise delivered to your house!

October= Kindness: the characteristic of being friendly, generous, and considerate of others Colossians 3:12, 13 


In room 104 we really went back to the basics remembering why we are here, how we got here, what we are called to do, and who we need to help us each day. We are a classroom community and we are all needed to be successful each day. Team building is very important for us to excel and have the best learning environment possible each day. One activity that we have been using is “Bucket Filling”. Students really loved this activity- giving and getting things to fill a bucket makes them feel amazing. I have even caught some students continuing these bucket filling activities on their own by complimenting one another and giving encouragement and support written and verbal. While discussing the Talents Parable in Religion we realized that we all need each other and everyone has their own special talents to help in our ultimate goal.


Another act of kindness we need to recognize is not only the kindness Mrs. Exton shows each and everyday, but the third grade students, parents, and especially the third grade room moms who made Mrs. Exton’s birthday an extremely special day. Third grade students, teachers, and students through out the school filled her bucket that day- over the top! She went home with more than one hundred notes of appreciation and kindness. Thank you so much to Mrs. Balentine and Mrs. Anderson for giving your time and bringing in cake for all of us to share in a surprise celebration!



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