April 19, 2024- Saint Ambrose Catholic School is proud to announce we are one of 171 schools to receive the 2024 Purple Star designations as members of the Purple Star Class of 2024 from the Ohio Department of Education. “Purple Star schools show a significant commitment to serving students and families connected to the nation’s armed forces.” Many thanks to Assistant Principal Mr. Tom Krebs for his leadership in this year’s initiative to continue serving our families!
“Ohio is now home to 511 active Purple Star schools that dedicate time and support to students in military families. All awardees meet the unique wellness and academic needs of Ohio’s military-connected youth. To qualify for the award, schools choose a school-based staff person to serve as a liaison between military families and the school. These liaisons complete professional development, identify military-connected students and facilitate supports throughout the school community for identified students and families. Purple Star schools also participate in at least one activity to support the military community each year. “
“As a Veteran of the US Army, I am proud to be the military liaison at Saint Ambrose Catholic School”, declared Assistant Principal Krebs. “We are committed to our families and students and hold our military families in very high regard. Together, we have created a website dedicated to resources for our active duty families and veterans, maintained a list of our military families to ensure they are receiving the best care possible, and attended professional development on military family care. This is a small token of our appreciation for our military families and Veterans. Thank you to those that are serving or have served. May God Bless you and your loved ones.”
We look forward to continuing to support our military families at Saint Ambrose Catholic School as we care and celebrate their commitment to our great nation.
Additional information on the Purple Star Designation Program can be found on the Ohio Department of Education website- https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Other-Resources/Military-Resources/Schools/Purple-Star-Award