Saint Ambrose School is a member of the Ohio STEM Learning Network (OSLN) and received official upgraded Ohio Designated STEAM School status from the Ohio STEM Committee in recognition of existing and emerging initiatives happening throughout the school and in the community. This designation specifically recognizes the role of Arts in the school’s existing STEM platform. Fine Arts are an important element in the school’s education platform and a catalyst to continue challenging our students, faculty, and partners for continuous improvement in all areas. The Arts play an important role in the school’s mission and vision of educating the whole child.
Saint Ambrose School’s K-8 Fine Arts program includes a robust band and orchestra program, choirs, dance, opportunities for students to design and build instruments, digital art programs of design and development, 3D design printing, art history, projects that explore science through art mediums, and the classics of drawing, painting and pottery.
The Ohio STEM Committee is a Committee comprised of state government and STEM experts across the state that review schools’ application to receive STEM/ STEAM School Designation Equivalent Status. This STEAM designation status is new as of fall of 2017, but Saint Ambrose has been using a comprehensive K-8 STEAM based education model for several years now.
Principal Lisa Cinadr was thrilled to be in Columbus representing the Saint Ambrose School community with Mrs. Wendy Parente, Saint Ambrose School Fourth/Fifth Grade Science/Fourth Grade Reading Teacher and STREAM Team Member.
Principal Cinadr said, “To God be the glory as we continue to provide ‘Everything for every student every day’! I am so proud and always energized to work with the caliber of faculty and staff members here. This designation is a great testimony to their creative and hard work, and a confirmation for our school parents, parish family and all partners who support the mission of Saint Ambrose School. Supported by our Pastor/Superintendent, Fr. Bob Stec, we are a team that continually seeks and implements researched best educational practices for our 21st Century learners. “
Thank you Battelle, the Ohio STEM Learning Network and the Ohio STEM Committee for recognizing and honoring the innovative and critical education happening every day at Saint Ambrose School. Our STREAM (inclusion of Religion) identity, as part of their model, guides our work: Saint Ambrose School educators and students are innovative leaders using their faith, skills, talents and knowledge to solve humanitarian and technological issues affecting our world.
Saint Ambrose School would like to thank their internal STEAM partners for their dedication and collaboration, and celebrates this step forward with them: STEM Accelerated Coding, the Ohio STEM Impact Network, Bob Gillingham Ford, Cisco, Padua Franciscan High School, Cleveland State University, TRI-C, NOAA, Hyland Software, Rockwell Automation, Brownstone Realty, Medina Animal Vet, United Cerebral Palsy, Fidelis Accounting and Consulting, the Cleveland Sight Center, Alphaport Inc, the Cleveland Metroparks, and Solutions Behavioral Health. To learn more about opportunities for your business to partner with Saint Ambrose School, please visit their website at