Saint Ambrose Students celebrated International Day of Peace by praying for those within our community. We honored our first responders with a parade.  May we continue to be an example of peace in our parish and community.


We truly are such a blessed school community! Everyone has been working so hard as they learn and grow in the ways of the Lord in unique and important ways here at SAS. We celebrated with a parade for our first responders on International Day of Peace, and it was a blessing and a prayer in itself. We stopped and prayed a schoolwide “peace break” together during the day too. These are special moments during which we all stop, re-focus and re-center ourselves on Jesus and our Blessed Mother. These are very special times that we get to enjoy together – only at SAS.

Our students spent time constructing pinwheels in celebration of today’s International Day of Peace. Not only did they have to put them together, but they wrote special prayers of peace and support on them. The pinwheels were planted around our campus today. As you walk our campus and enjoy the beauty of summer turning to fall, also stop and look at the pinwheels and pray the prayer you see on one or more. Let this prompt each of us to pause, thank God for His amazing blessings and ask Him for peace in our hearts, our families, our communities, our nation, our world. How can we be His instruments of peace here on earth!


“A safe and spiritual place of wellness for all.”

Our SAS Peace Room is home to our Jon Peterson intervention team. All students, however, have access to our Peace Room that is located in the lower level hallway. Our team has worked hard to provide sensory items including a crash pad, swing, manipulatives, bubble towers and more. Students may ask their teacher if they need to access this room. We are invested in the social-emotional health and well being of all of our students and continually seek ways to help each of our Angels find his/her strengths and success.

Many thanks for and God bless the SAS Eighth Grade Class of 2017 for their generous donations in memory of Frank Raso, Marlayna Jeanclerc and Trevor Pacek to help provide this very special space for all.


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