Bishop Richard Lennon January 15, 2014
Office of the Bishop
Diocese of Cleveland
1404 East Ninth Street, Sixth Floor
Cleveland, Ohio 44114-1722

Dear Bishop Lennon,
On behalf of Saint Ambrose School we would like to extend a heartfelt thank you and express our sincere appreciation for the generous financial award we received in regards to the Expanding the Educational Landscape Grant Program and Rooted in Faith—Forward in Hope Campaign.

Our faculty and staff are very honored to have been selected for this award. We hope and trust that you will find that we will use the allotted funds to forward our technology integration and student experiences as they develop greater 21st Century skills with emphasis on academic excellence and faith formation.

We are extremely pleased to tell you that we are very dedicated to providing a strong Digital Citizenship Program that will compliment our technology initiatives and will focus on developing a strong sense of stewardship and social consciousness.

In sincere appreciation for this award and per your request, we would be most honored to host a donor to witness the benefit of the grant. We welcome this at your convenience. Please know that we are most willing to accommodate your request at any time.

Through your graciousness and generosity evidenced in the nature of this campaign, we are able to provide amazing opportunities for our students and for the betterment of catholic education at large.


Sheri Ricciardi,
Co-Chair, Saint Ambrose School Advisory Board

Cc: Reverend Robert Stec
Heidi Zimmerman
Margaret Lyons
Patrick Grace

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