On Tuesday and Thursday this week the third graders were blessed with the opportunity to work with Brandon Hall and meet in him all the way from NC, VIA technology. Then, he took us all the way to MEXICO!  Mr. Hall put on a program with a presentation that aligned exactly with the Science unit we finished at the end of quarter 3! During that unit students learned and explored animal and plant adaptions. They were introduced to animals that migrate in order to survive as well. Mr. Hall took us even one step farther and taught us more about the butterfly migration process. The program was called “Magnificent Monarchs: The great migration”. Here is some more on their program…

“Take your classroom to Mexico to visit one of the overwintering sites of the Monarch Butterfly. On this virtual field trip, your class will learn about the Monarch migration, what are some of the threats to the Monarchs and what actions you can take to help save one of the world’s great migrations. Did I mention you’ll see the Monarchs roosting in Mexico?”

Also, check out the video below!

During the experience students learned more about the decreasing population of Monarch butterflies and the lack of their main food source- milkweed. Students were already educated on butterflies needing milkweed to survive because we talked about how they use that defense adaptation to taste bad to predators. What students are really interested in now, is helping the butterflies by planting milkweed. There are even websites out there that offer free milkweed to people wanted to help the cause. Check it out! http://monarchwatch.org/bring-back-the-monarchs/milkweed/free-milkweeds-schools-nonprofits/

Here are some pictures from our field trip…

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