Although we had a short week, we had a very educational and fun-filled week. Below is a summary of what we focused on in our classroom:

Religion: We learned how God speaks to us through the Bible and other people. We also learned about Eliajah and how we can hear God speak to us in the quiet of our hearts.

Math: We worked on place value.  We also created place value monsters that will be displayed in the hallway for Halloween, conferences and Open House.

Language Arts:  We are learning about pronouns and vaious forms of punctuation.  In addition, we are learning about writing questions using “w” words such as who, what, why, where and when.

In our Super Kids book, we are reading stories and practicing techniques we can use to help us with story comprehension.

In Health we are talking about feelings and how we can express and handle different feelings.

In Social Studies we had a visit from Queen Isabella who talked to us about the voyage of Christopher Columbus.  We are also learning about being a good citizen.

Please remember that the Read-a-Thon ends on Friday.  Please support St. Ambrose through this wonderful fundraiser.


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