DEA Special Agent Presentation

DEA Special Agent, Mr. Fitzpatrick, visited our computer science classes for grades 5, 7, and 8. He discussed drug trends and DEA careers. He explained what a typical day was for him, which included: warrants, raids, collecting money, writing reports, and testifying in court!


Drug Awareness Projects

Students in grades K-8 worked on a drug awareness collaborative project with Mrs. Schlueter, Mrs. Kinley, Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. Kautzman, Mrs. Gove, Ms. Rego, Mrs. Antonius, Mrs. Parente, and Mrs. Hamzik!

During computer science class, students in K-2 learned about medicine and created a coding animation project. Students in 3rd grade coded with imagery analysis on brain scans addicted to drugs. Students in 4th grade coded with imagery analysis on brain scans while praying or addicted to drugs to see the correlation. 5th – 7th grade used geospatial analysis to examine opiate deaths across the country. They also reviewed Operation Prevention videos!


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