We had the privilege of participating remotely as Bishop Nelson J. Perez was installed as the 11th Bishop of the Diocese of Cleveland.  At 1:30 p.m. today, all classrooms patiently watched the long procession of deacons, priests and bishops in anticipation of seeing Bishop Perez make his way to the altar.  We could see Father Bob, Father Rob and Father Adam as they processed in. We were also able to see Mr. Fodor and Mr. Bonezzi in the diocesan choir.  It was so fun to hear the collective shouts and cheers throughout the school building as these wonderful men of God were spotted.

It was so fun to hear the collective shouts and cheers throughout the school building as these wonderful men of God were spotted.

We pray for Bishop Perez and our diocese.  May God bless him with wisdom, strength and grace as he leads us ever closer to Jesus Christ who is Everything for us!

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